Meet The 6-Bit Drill Sergeants

We are a rookie, community FTC team from Madison, Alabama, consisting of students from several middle schools and high schools. We wanted to learn what engineers really do, so
we made a team!

The Origin Of “6BDS”

At one of our first meetings, we chose to build game walls using PVC pipe and hardboard. While building the walls, we had a pack of seven drill bits, and broke six of them building the first segment of the wall. We used the last drill bit on the other eleven segments and it survived all eleven. Not long after, when choosing our name, somebody thought of the “6-Bit Drill Sergeants”, and that’s what we chose.

First Tech Challenge

We compete in the First Tech Challenge robotic competition. This is a competition open to 7-12 graders. The competition includes competing in head to head matches through designing, building, and programming. While also competing in an alliance format.


Our rookie season started in 2023 and continued to 2024. During this season we competed in several competitions and ended up placing as first in the selected alliance.

Contact Us

If you are interested in joining our team, helping with outreach, or want to sponsor us reach out to us by email. We would love to expand our social circle and meet you all!

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