Get to know each member of the 6-Bit Drill Sergeants team!

Ethan Barbour – Coach

I am the coach for the 6-Bit Drill Sergeants. I love sharing science and engineering concepts with kids – if I weren’t an engineer, I’d be a teacher! I work at The Aerospace Corporation where I focus on rockets. I was raised in Canada, then lived in California where I got my PhD in engineering from Stanford. Aside from engineering, I enjoy hiking and music (you might see me playing doublebass with my son at the Huntsville Youth Orchestra.)

Ben Hayes – Assistant Coach

I am the assistant coach for the 6-Bit Drill Sergeants and I think it is awesome watching the kids put together a robot that can drive around and manipulate it’s environment. I have a PhD in mechanical engineering from UCLA and I am an engineering director at The Aerospace Corporation. In my free time I like to spend time outdoors hiking, backpacking, camping,… whatever. I also referee youth hockey on the weekends.

Lincoln Hayes

Hi my name is Lincoln. I am on the Hardware and Casing subteam and what I like is putting together the pieces  of a robot. One thing I like is to play my euphonium. I also like to play hockey.

Alex Hayes

My name is Alexander Hayes, and I am part of the Program Management team. I am a Sophomore at Bob Jones High School. At Bob Jones High School, I play mellophone in the marching band and am on the scholar’s bowl team.

Kyle Mackrell

My name is Kyle MacKrell. My team roles are Drafting and Mechanical. I love learning about the Outdoors, Science and Math. As a new robotics team member, I’m very much in the learning phase.  I tend to be visual, I’ve been engaged with multiple arts clubs during junior high school and I love walking through Lowe Mills arts studios.  I have taken a robotics class in junior high which I found interesting. I’m a 9th grader at Bob Jones Highschool.  I’m in advanced Math and JROTC. This is my first year on a robotics team.  I enjoy using the 3D printer, learning about electronics and mechanical design. I have been swimming competitively (year-round) since I was 7 years old.  I enjoy challenging myself with events and perfecting my stroke.  I find swimming is more mental than physical and enjoy the process of learning.

Archer Sisco

My name is Archer, I am a Software member for our team. I love coding and I am happy to learn java, since it is new to me. I love music, and I prefer to work with music.

Trenton Holcombe

My name is Trenton, and I am an 8th grader at Discovery Middle school. I am part of the Program Management team. I enjoy swimming competitively, golfing and video games. In my free time I like mentoring the FLL kids.

Laya Gowder

My name is Laya, and I am an 8th grader at Liberty Middle School. I am a part of the Program Management team. I love dancing and music.

Oliver Parkinson

Hello, I’m Oliver Parkinson and I’m part of the Software team for my FTC team. Leland and I had met each other on my swim team. I learned about this robotics team when Leland told me about it. I have loved engineering since I was little. So, when Leland told me about the FTC team he was starting I was excited to join. FTC has been a great learning experience for me. I have learned a lot about the engineering process. I found software to be interesting, so I joined the software team.

Leland Barbour

My name is Leland and I am a student at Liberty Middle School. I am on the Software team and I also drive the robot. I enjoy sports including swimming and football. I was born in California but now call Alabama home.


Kionna Jordan (2023 – 2024)

Currently engineering student at U. Alabama, Huntsville

Hi my name is Kionna, I am a senior at Sparkman. I am currently on the Hardware team for the 6BDS. I enjoy building lego modeling kits in my free time.